
They say that an image should tell the story but sometimes adding words will help as well

Anyone for fish?

This image was created on Inner Farne. I love trying to make images of the Arctic Tern. These are particularly grumpy birds and this is borne out by the number of wounds they inflict on poor unsuspecting visitors to Inner Farne who will leave with sore heads unless they come prepared with head protection as the tern will swoop and peck peoples head to encourage them to move away from its young. You might think it is a shame that these birds are provoked by humans but their time on the...

The one that got away

This image was created within the first few minutes of landing on Staple Islands on the Farnes. It is very difficult to make a different image of a puffin as it is so often photographed, however this did not stop me trying. The great Ansel Adams spoke about pre-visualisation but for a wildlife photographer that can be easier said than done however pre-planning will help enormously. Having observed puffins on Staple Island many times before I knew that the direction of the wind and angle of...